We come from many different church backgrounds and none. Our roots lie in the Methodist and the United Reformed traditions which we treasure, but our future is what we focus on as we seek to grow as followers of Jesus. Some of us are old, some young. Some straight, others gay. Some are single, some married. Some have little formal education, some university degrees. We welcome anyone irrespective of age, class, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, gender: “All are welcome in this place” is a hymn we sing often!
Our current Minister is the Reverend Paul Martin.

We pride ourselves on being awarded one of the first Child Friendly Church Awards

We are very pleased to have received in July 2022 A Rocha Silver Eco Church award and are working towards making this Gold level
We are part of ‘Churches of Barry’; the forum comprising Ministers from Church in Wales, Roman Catholic, Methodist, URC, Baptist and Pentecostal traditions. We also form part of the Methodist Wales Synod and Churches Together in Wales CYTUN
Want to find out more? We are on Facebook www.facebook.com/Barry.Waterfront