We are Christian, and know that God’s love is for everyone. We see that love most clearly in Jesus who we get to know through the Bible, though prayer and to make that love tangible through meeting others. We believe God’s love in Jesus is Good News, and so we long to share that news with all we meet. We built the Centre to make the love tangible, practical and down to earth.

We believe God cares for all creation and our Eco-church Silver award recognises this. As the new building has been constructed to the highest ecological standards we expect to be able to improve our award to Silver in the coming months. We were delighted that the wildlife corridor could be preserved along the side of the site, and teams of church members caught, carefully transported and released slow worms from the site back to where they had migrated from near the railway.
We also have links within the wider community such as The Amelia Trust Farm and The Vale Foodbank